Sunday, March 22, 2009

Alright so...

On a scale from one to ten, I don't think there is a number that I can assign that will show just how messed up our family is.

For those of you who have been wondering where we've been for the past few days, here's the answer:

Dad and Mitsu got in a huge fight the other night (which I suppose is mostly normal...) because dad was blabbing on about how he thought it would be better for Kouno if Mitsu went back home and lived with our grandparents until he was old enough to make it on his own. (BTW, "home" is all the way around the world in another country, so as you may be able to guess this really upsets Mitsu)

Now, this is a common fight in our's actually the reason I moved out because I really just couldn't handle listening to them fight all the time, and it just drove me batty to deal with it. But that's a rant for another day...

Anyway, this argument was really upsetting Kouno (as it usually does) and mom was trying to stop the whole thing telling them that she didn't think this was a good time to talk about this and I was just trying to get Kouno to leave the room. Because, let's face it, I really think it's a bad idea to upset the already slightly-unstable rape victim.

Dad apparently got so upset with Mitsu that he smacked him and told him to go up and sit in his room until he was 'level headeded enough to talk about the situation in an adult manner.' Mitsu told him something along the lines of 'I never want to talk about this situation because it's a non-issue, there's no way I'm leaving' and a few other bad sentiments flew...

Mitsu stormed up to his room, dad locked himself in his study. I dragged Kouno to bed, and I'm pretty sure mom went off to do what mom does best: try and reason with dad.

Anyway...I don't know what happened in between then and when I finally came back down, but what I do know is that mom was crying and dad wasn't home anymore. When I asked her about it, she said that dad went for a drive and that Mitsu had left the house.

To make a long story short we've been looking for him, but he doesn't want to be found I guess. We've spent the last two days out there...

I'm pretty sure our family is cursed.

((In the immortal words of Mark: "There are times when we're dirt broke, hungry, and freezing, and I ask myself, why the hell am I still living here? And then they call and I remember."))

Hopefully he'll turn up soon...until then I can't get Kouno out of his room.


