Sunday, May 31, 2009

You've had nothing but milk since this morning....right?

Someone please tell me that the thought the same thing I thought when I saw this picture....xD OH SUBTITLES, YOU ARE SO MESSED UP.

But, actually, the subtitles are implying what you think they're implying. This screen shot is from "Papa to Kiss in the Dark"...which, despite being pretty erm...yaoi a rific, actually has a pretty good plot. And a pretty good well...everything. I totally dig it.

And now you know what I do in my spare time. Ahhhh porn~ xD

In other news, my little brother is in the hospital...still. I wanted to talk to him on the phone but had to use a Bambi translation system. I talked to her, she told him what I said, he wrote a response on the white board, she said it back to took waaaay too much time. xD It's easier just to message him or something. called me and was all like: "MITSU IS GOING BACK TO GRANDMA. RAWR." Because he's pissed. Per usual. Why is he always mad at Mitsu? >.> Why not get angry at one of his other sons for once? xD I think Mitsukeru is just a chronic screw up. o________o But I love him anyway. Hear that, Mitsu, I LOVE YOU ANYWAY GODDAMNED.

Also in other news: My boyfriend isn't so broke anymore! I can stop eating clothes! YAY! I LOVE FOOD!

Speaking of, I've had nothing but milk since this morning (in the LITERAL SENSE YOU SICKO YOU!) So I'm going to go eat something of substance.

DISCLAIMER: It is also possible that I've had nothing but milk since this morning in the sense that the picture implies, but hey...wouldn't want to scar anyone for life, now would I? >:3 SOUBI ILU LIKE I LOVE MY OWN BEAUTIFUL SELF~!
